Thursday, September 23, 2010

The Artist Van

Don't worry. We're artists.

I wanted to tell you about our van we are traveling around in, it’s tailor-made. With the logos on the side, our bold artist faces through the windows, the loud proud beeping coming from the underbelly, signaling to everyone that we are reversing; we've been turning heads.

I think our van should be equipped with some kind of cape.

As it is now, a white 15 passenger van, with multicoloured graphics, is our chariot. The lettering on the van is placed in a way that only artists could justify.It is our lair, our bubble, and our highway retreat.

I will upload some photos of things we have seen as the tour unfolds.

For now if you see us coming, or hear us reversing, don't worry, we're artists, we mean you no harm.

1 comment:

  1. Well, I feel a fool. I clearly have no idea the difference between were and we're. Let alone the gross punctuation errors I have sprinkled throughout my beloved blogs. I apologies to all humans with a writing comprehension above grade 5.
    I will now vow to hand over all written materials to my professional editor.
    Don't worry. We're Artists.
